About Theatre on the Edge
Theatre on the Edge, also known as “TOTE”, was the longest-running improv group in Ontario. Starting as “Theatresports Waterloo” in 1981, it performed live, improvised comedy in the community. Ever since it began, TOTE made audiences laugh with hilarious and occasionally outrageous shows in which everything is made up on the spot.
Everyone involved in TOTE dispersed during the pandemic, and the decision was made not to resume shows.
This site is now being kept around as a kind of memorial to TOTE. If you’re interested in watching or learning improv, there are some new groups that have started up post-pandemic. You can find a list here.
Just What is Improv?
Improv is theatre created on the spot – with no script at all! Actors create the dialog and action themselves as they perform, based on ideas from the audience. Unlike conventional scripted theatre, the key elements are spontaneity and unpredictability. This makes improv an exciting experience for the performers as well as the audience. It’s always fresh, risky, and fun!